A podcast about the history of South-western Alberta–presented by Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village of Pincher Creek – a museum complex that document’s the stories of western Canada’s agricultural settlement through the preservation of local buildings and artifacts in a 6-acre park.

Monday May 04, 2020
Farley's Frontier Chronicles - The Arlington & Beaver Mines Hotels
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
In February, RadioKBPV began a series of Hotel Histories, initiated by the unfortunate fire that decimate the landmark King Edward Hotel. Farley has continued to crank out histories of other local Inns of southwestern- Alberta in the Pincher Creek Echo and the Shootin' the Breeze weekly newspapers. Today, we carry on that series with the Arlington Hotel of Pincher Creek, and the short history of the Beaver Mines Hotel. We’ll begin with Beaver Mines.
email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Kootenai for Kids #5 - The Tale of Thanadelthur
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
From our Hudson's Bay Company and fur trade heritage, we have the tale of Thanadelthur, an indigenous Chipewyan woman and her journey across the Barrens in the early 1700s.
First, Ranger Gord give you the history of Thanadelthur, then reads from Tales of the Bay, a free downloadable e-comic that you can read along on your computer or personal device, or print off – courtesy of the Hudson’s Bay Company -
-- or -- e-mail Ranger Gord at edcoordinator.kbpv@gmail.com, and he'll send you a PDF document.
Email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Boardwalk Building Tours - Dr. Office, Geitz Stove Shop, Cyr House and the Bakery
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
The Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village Audio Tours continue with an omnibus presentation of four-in-a-row of our popular boardwalk buildings. Hear the story of the Doctor's Office, the Geitz Stove Shop, the Cyr Family Farm House and the Bakery.
email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Farley's Frontier Chronicles - Fraser-McRoberts Department Store
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
On the current site of Pincher Creek's Provincial Building, the Fraser-McRoberts Department store served the mercantile needs of the community between 1915-1946. Farley and Gord take you back to that era of commerce activity between the two World Wars.
email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Village Virtual Tour - Hudson's Bay Company Post
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
The Virtual Tours of Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village continues with this Podcast presentation. One of the Village’s newest exhibit buildings explores the fur trade of western Canada, the complicated role of the Hudson’s Bay Company in south-western Alberta and the HBC mercantile store in Pincher Creek.
Background: Red River Jig by John Arcand, utilized under fair use
Email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Saddle up and hang on for another rip-roarin' tale from the history of Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village, as we tell the stories of early rodeo, Guy Weadick and the 1912 Calgary Stampede and southwestern Alberta bronc busters Emery Le Grandeur and Tom Three Persons.
email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com or edcoordinator.kbpv@gmail.com

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
A re-presentation of our first two Podcast episodes, with some clean-up and bonus materials.
Our longest podcast yet, clocking in at over 90 minutes.
Authors Ranger Gord Tolton and KBPV Curator Farley Wuth present the local railway history of Pincher Creek and area, with the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway's Crowsnest Branch, and the short line, the Kootenay & Alberta Railway.
email: RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Kootenai For Kids #3 - Father Lacombe - The Bold Heart
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
We learn about the builder of the Hermitage in KBPV, Father Albert Lacombe, one of the most important figures in Alberta's history.
Email: edcoordinator.kbpv@gmail.com or RadioKBPV@gmail.com

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Kootenai for Kids - Pod#2 - Nechemouse and Making of Bannock
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Kootenai for Kids is back for another Pod.
We tell the story of Nechemousse - the loving life partner of Kootenai Brown, from the book "Johnny Chinook."
Then, Rosie the Riveter teaches us how to make bannock in the kitchen, while Ranger Gord stands around and talks a lot. What else is new?
email comments to: edcoordinator.kbpv@gmail.com or RadioKBPV@gmail.com
Visit kootenaibrown.ca for a virtual visit to Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village.

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Kootenai for Kids!- Pod#1 - Kootenai Brown & the Saga of the Mountain Oil
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Kootenai for Kids!- Pod#1 - Kootenai Brown & the Saga of the Mountain Oil
The first episode of our new series for school students (but we don't mind if the big folks listen in, too).
For any questions, contact Ranger Gord at KBPV